Plan your visit to the cranes

Spring is in sight! Every spring, thousands of cranes gather and dance at Lake Hornborga. We have gathered all the information that you need before you visit us this spring. A warm welcome to Hornborgasjön!

Last update, 02/11/2025

Visit us

From mid-March to mid-April, cranes usually gather at Hornborgasjön. It’s a dear sign of spring!

Many also visit the area during the crane spring. By planning your visit for days when there are fewer visitors, you get a more unique nature experience.

There are always fewer visitors on weekdays than on weekends. In the mornings and evenings, there are also usually fewer visitors on site at Trandansen. Then you also get a stronger experience of nature.

Also keep in mind that the cranes at Hornborgasjön are awesome to see regardless of the number of cranes. It is difficult to tell the difference between a few thousand cranes and 20,000 cranes. That’s why you don’t have to plan your visit to the cranes when there are the most cranes to get a magical experience.

Feel free to look into Info Center Trandansen when you visit. Also, don’t miss a visit to the visitor center naturum Hornborgasjön on the east side of Hornborgasjön.


At Trandansen near Bjurum’s church in the southern part of Hornborgasjön, the cranes gather in large flocks.

The cranes are usually seen here between mid-March and mid-April. They are visible from morning to evening, but it is usually particularly impressive to see the cranes during the mornings.

When a few hundred cranes have been seen at Hornborgasjön, the cranes start to be counted. You can then take part in the numbers from the crane counts here. If you still see a number from 2024 below, it means that the cranes have not started counting yet this year.

Senaste antalet räknade tranor

Datum Antal Anteckning
2025-03-28 13900
2025-03-27 9330
2025-03-26 9960
2025-03-25 11600
2025-03-24 10200 En lite bökig kväll. Siffran kan vara osäker
2025-03-23 12400
2025-03-22 11300
2025-03-21 9600
2025-03-20 9950
2025-03-19 5600
2025-03-18 3900
2025-03-17 2370
2025-03-16 1310
2025-03-15 1140
2025-03-13 512 Nästa räkning blir på lördag, då vi drar igång räkningarna varje dag
2025-03-10 230 Nästa räkning sker på torsdag
2025-02-17 0 Test
2024-10-03 408 Sista räkningen för i höst
2024-09-30 14940
2024-09-26 Inställt pga. regn
2024-09-23 18450
2024-09-19 14900
2024-09-16 12900
2024-09-12 8660
2024-09-09 Inställt pga. regn
2024-09-05 9720
2024-09-02 7850
2024-08-29 Inställt pga. Regn och åska
2024-08-26 2911
2024-08-22 2300
2024-08-19 1789
2024-04-15 630 Detta blev vårens sista räkning
2024-04-14 3220
2024-04-13 Inga siffror ikväll pga en störning
2024-04-12 5780
2024-04-11 10150
2024-04-10 10050
2024-04-09 9050
2024-04-08 15300
2024-04-07 inga siffror ikväll pga. en kraftig störning
2024-04-06 24600
2024-04-05 24200
2024-04-04 20200
2024-04-03 20400
2024-04-02 Inställt pga. Snöfall
2024-04-01 22900
2024-03-31 21900
2024-03-30 20300
2024-03-29 16500
2024-03-28 15800
2024-03-27 13800
2024-03-26 12800
2024-03-25 10800
2024-03-24 8500
2024-03-23 8500
2024-03-22 7400
2024-03-21 7600
2024-03-20 6500
2024-03-19 5830
2024-03-18 3050
2024-03-17 3085
2024-03-16 1815
2024-03-15 1538
2024-03-13 23
2024-03-11 167 Detta var vårens första räkning
2023-10-09 9 Vilket innebär att höstens räkningar är avslutade
2023-10-05 12000
2023-10-02 23700
2023-09-28 24100
2023-09-28 24100
2023-09-25 24300 Höstrekord för Hbsj
2023-09-21 21700 Höstrekord
2023-09-18 21380 Nytt höstrekord
2023-09-14 10565
2023-09-11 8560
2023-09-07 8425
2023-09-04 8160
2023-08-31 5710
2023-08-28 3055
2023-08-24 3450
2023-08-21 2060 Detta var höstens första räkning
2023-04-19 1170 Detta innebär att vårens räkningar nu är avslutade
2023-04-17 2180
2023-04-15 4200
2023-04-13 6300
2023-04-11 5600
2023-04-10 5800
2023-04-09 8500
2023-04-08 8300
2023-04-07 6480
2023-04-06 6900
2023-04-05 8000
2023-04-04 7400
2023-04-03 9800
2023-04-02 12200
2023-04-01 11200
2023-03-31 7000 Osäker siffra. Riktigt krångligt ikväll
2023-03-30 Inställt pga. vädret
2023-03-29 7000
2023-03-28 7280
2023-03-27 7480
2023-03-26 5380
2023-03-25 3040
2023-03-24 2080
2023-03-23 4180
2023-03-22 1545
2023-03-21 Inga siffror ikväll. Samtliga stod kvar vid kanalen, inte någon flög ut
2023-03-20 Inst.pga.dis o dimma
2023-03-19 910
2023-03-18 Inställt pga. dimma
2023-03-17 739
2023-03-16 232
2022-10-20 0 Det här blev den sista räkningen för i höst
2022-10-17 Inställt ikväll pga. Vädret
2022-10-13 2740
2022-10-10 2282
2022-10-06 Ingen räkning ikväll pga. regn och dålig sikt
2022-10-03 6090
2022-09-29 7220
2022-09-26 Ingen räkning ikväll pga. regn
2022-09-22 16340
2022-09-19 16190
2022-09-15 11220
2022-09-12 11080
2022-09-08 8475
2022-09-05 8675
2022-09-01 4940
2022-08-29 2640
2022-08-25 3195
2022-08-22 1555
2022-04-22 890 Detta var den sista räkningen för i vår
2022-04-21 Ingen räkning i kväll
2022-04-20 2540
2022-04-19 2700
2022-04-18 2520
2022-04-17 2100
2022-04-16 Ingen räkning
2022-04-15 4050
2022-04-14 Ingen räkning
2022-04-13 6700
2022-04-12 6100
2022-04-11 7900
2022-04-10 10350
2022-04-09 13050
2022-04-08 15300
2022-04-07 Inst.pga. Snö och regn
2022-04-06 Inst. Pga. snö och dålig sikt
2022-04-05 17200
2022-04-04 Inställt pga. Regn och snö
2022-04-03 17070
2022-04-02 20900
2022-04-01 19400
2022-03-31 18750
2022-03-30 16200
2022-03-29 Väldigt osäkert ikväll. Därför inga siffror
2022-03-28 14680
2022-03-27 12280
2022-03-26 11600
2022-03-25 11100
2022-03-24 8950
2022-03-23 10600
2022-03-22 6590
2022-03-21 5980
2022-03-20 2370
2022-03-19 Inställt pga en kraftig störning
2022-03-18 2650
2022-03-17 1530
2022-03-16 440
2022-03-15 Ingen räkning
2022-03-14 550
2022-03-13 Ingen räkning
2022-03-12 676
2022-03-11 Ingen räkning
2022-03-10 264
2021-10-07 10220
2021-10-04 14940
2021-09-30 0 Inställt pga regn
2021-09-27 12290
2021-09-23 0 Inställt pga regn
2021-09-20 15770
2021-09-16 Inställt pga regn
2021-09-13 12120
2021-09-09 10890
2021-09-06 6410
2021-09-02 4870
2021-08-30 3900
2021-08-26 Inställt pga regn
2021-08-23 2480
2021-04-21 600
2021-04-20 Ingen räkning
2021-04-19 2340
2021-04-18 Ingen räkning
2021-04-17 4100
2021-04-16 Ingen räkning
2021-04-15 5370
2021-04-14 Ingen räkning
2021-04-13 10300
2021-04-12 8430
2021-04-11 Ingen räkning pga regn/snö
2021-04-10 8900
2021-04-09 Ingen räkning pga regn
2021-04-08 6960
2021-04-07 11100
2021-04-06 10740
2021-04-05 12470
2021-04-04 17480
2021-04-03 15700
2021-04-02 13630
2021-04-01 12200
2021-03-31 Ingen räkning pga dimma
2021-03-30 12200
2021-03-29 13280
2021-03-28 14350
2021-03-27 Ingen räkning pga regn
2021-03-26 12300
2021-03-25 5800
2021-03-24 4190
2021-03-23 4770
2021-03-22 3550
2021-03-21 1869
2021-03-20 1625
2021-03-19 2080
2021-03-18 1660
2021-03-17 317
2021-03-16 522
2021-03-15 189
2021-03-14 320
2021-03-13 925
2021-03-12 422
2021-03-11 Ingen räkning
2021-03-10 665
2021-03-09 282
2020-10-12 4920
2020-10-08 Inställt pga regn
2020-10-05 18100
2020-10-01 12120
2020-09-28 13260
2020-09-24 14240
2020-09-21 11580
2020-09-17 13280
2020-09-14 8520
2020-09-10 9700
2020-09-07 5190
2020-09-03 7190
2020-08-31 4880
2020-08-27 3670
2020-08-24 3240
2020-04-20 820
2020-04-19 Ingen räkning
2020-04-18 2500
2020-04-17 Ingen räkning
2020-04-16 3400
2020-04-15 Ingen räkning
2020-04-14 8800
2020-04-13 Ingen räkning
2020-04-12 8900
2020-04-11 Ingen räkning
2020-04-10 9700
2020-04-09 10600
2020-04-08 7600
2020-04-07 11300
2020-04-06 7600
2020-04-05 12100
2020-04-04 Kraftig störning
2020-04-03 16100
2020-04-02 19200
2020-04-01 12300
2020-03-31 12700
2020-03-30 13700
2020-03-29 14400
2020-03-28 13500
2020-03-27 11000
2020-03-26 11300
2020-03-25 10500
2020-03-24 7500
2020-03-23 7550
2020-03-22 7500
2020-03-21 4650
2020-03-20 4700
2020-03-19 4900
2020-03-18 5800
2020-03-17 3750
2020-03-16 4850
2020-03-15 3900
2020-03-14 1750
2020-03-13 1050
2020-03-12 510
2020-03-11 375
2020-03-10 Ingen räkning. Inställt pga regn
2020-03-09 292
2019-10-07 410
2019-10-03 2950
2019-09-30 9800
2019-09-26 14350
2019-09-23 18950
2019-09-19 17950
2019-09-16 9760
2019-09-12 5540
2019-09-09 6100
2019-09-05 Inatällt pga regn
2019-09-02 3490
2019-08-29 5090
2019-08-26 3340
2019-08-22 3260
2019-08-19 2070
2019-04-18 960
2019-04-17 2100
2019-04-16 2950
2019-04-15 8200
2019-04-14 10200
2019-04-13 11700
2019-04-12 13800
2019-04-11 20400
2019-04-10 19600
2019-04-09 19500
2019-04-08 14600
2019-04-07 16900
2019-04-06 19600
2019-04-05 22000
2019-04-04 25500
2019-04-03 27300
2019-04-02 23600
2019-04-01 Kraftig störning från gömslena
2019-03-31 Kraftig störning
2019-03-30 19200
2019-03-29 16100
2019-03-28 Kraftig störning
2019-03-27 17000 Svårräknat. Störning
2019-03-26 17400
2019-03-25 15700
2019-03-24 15100
2019-03-23 13200
2019-03-22 13600
2019-03-21 8100
2019-03-20 5500
2019-03-19 2600
2019-03-18 2600
2019-03-17 Ingen räkning. Kraftigt regn
2019-03-16 1900
2019-03-15 1550
2019-03-14 1350
2019-03-13 Ingen räkning
2019-03-12 378
2018-10-04 670
2018-10-01 1900
2018-09-27 1750
2018-09-24 3360
2018-09-20 14820
2018-09-17 15250
2018-09-13 12100
2018-09-10 7600
2018-09-06 11200
2018-09-03 8020
2018-08-30 3750
2018-08-27 Inställt pga dimma
2018-08-23 3420
2018-08-20 2355
2018-08-16 1515
2018-08-13 560
2018-04-22 560
2018-04-21 890
2018-04-20 870
2018-04-19 1550
2018-04-18 3800
2018-04-17 6050
2018-04-16 6600
2018-04-15 7800
2018-04-14 8700
2018-04-13 9800
2018-04-12 11800
2018-04-11 12800
2018-04-10 16000 Svårräknat
2018-04-09 20800
2018-04-08 24500
2018-04-07 22500
2018-04-06 Kraftig störning
2018-04-05 inst. pga. regn o dimma
2018-04-04 14900
2018-04-03 11000
2018-04-02 Kraftig störning
2018-04-01 9600
2018-03-31 7500
2018-03-30 7400
2018-03-29 6200
2018-03-28 6200
2018-03-27 2100
2018-03-26 1400
2018-03-25 660
2018-03-24 460
2018-03-23 365
2018-03-22 275
2018-03-21 Ingen räkning
2018-03-20 82
2017-10-09 92
2017-10-05 5580
2017-10-02 11700
2017-09-28 11400
2017-09-25 17950
2017-09-21 18550
2017-09-18 11480
2017-09-14 8440
2017-09-11 5800
2017-09-07 6100
2017-09-04 5410
2017-08-31 Inställt pga dimma
2017-08-28 3330
2017-08-24 3010
2017-08-21 2430
2017-04-27 500
2017-04-26 Ingen räkning
2017-04-25 Ingen räkning
2017-04-24 Ingen räkning
2017-04-23 520
2017-04-22 Ingen räkning
2017-04-21 1750
2017-04-20 1750
2017-04-19 2480
2017-04-18 3400
2017-04-17 2850
2017-04-16 4350
2017-04-15 5950
2017-04-14 7100
2017-04-13 5020
2017-04-12 7160
2017-04-11 7780
2017-04-10 7650
2017-04-09 7550
2017-04-08 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning från gömsle
2017-04-07 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning från gömsle
2017-04-06 13300
2017-04-05 13100
2017-04-04 13000
2017-04-03 13100
2017-04-02 16300
2017-04-01 19100
2017-03-31 19700
2017-03-30 Ingen räkning pga dåligt väder
2017-03-29 16600
2017-03-28 13100
2017-03-27 15800
2017-03-26 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2017-03-25 14200
2017-03-24 16600
2017-03-23 15000 Kraftig störning.
2017-03-22 9780
2017-03-21 Ingen räkning pga dåligt väder
2017-03-20 4620
2017-03-19 4420
2017-03-18 3680
2017-03-17 2470
2017-03-16 1480
2017-03-15 830
2017-03-14 615
2017-03-13 570
2017-03-12 102
2016-10-27 180
2016-10-24 1430
2016-10-20 1760
2016-10-17 1730
2016-10-13 1730
2016-10-10 1765
2016-10-06 2380
2016-10-03 3950
2016-09-29 9550 Svårräknat. Osäker siffra
2016-09-26 12050
2016-09-22 12450
2016-09-19 10050
2016-09-15 7500
2016-09-12 6750
2016-09-08 6390
2016-09-05 4150
2016-09-01 2770
2016-08-29 Ingen räkning. Inställt pga regn
2016-04-22 320
2016-04-21 Ingen räkning
2016-04-20 1150
2016-04-19 Ingen räkning
2016-04-18 1500
2016-04-17 Ingen räkning
2016-04-16 2700
2016-04-15 3200
2016-04-14 Ingen räkning
2016-04-13 4400
2016-04-12 3800
2016-04-11 5050
2016-04-10 8500
2016-04-09 10600
2016-04-08 11200
2016-04-07 14600
2016-04-06 16100
2016-04-05 17100
2016-04-04 15600
2016-04-03 19100
2016-04-02 17800
2016-04-01 19100
2016-03-31 15500
2016-03-30 19400
2016-03-29 19000
2016-03-28 19100
2016-03-27 19100
2016-03-26 13000
2016-03-25 15000 Regn. Svårräknat
2016-03-24 Ingen räkning
2016-03-23 5200
2016-03-22 Ingen räkning
2016-03-21 5100
2016-03-20 Ingen räkning
2016-03-19 3800
2016-03-18 Ingen räkning
2016-03-17 680
2016-03-16 Ingen räkning
2016-03-15 4
2016-03-14 Ingen räkning
2016-03-13 6
2016-03-12 Ingen räkning
2016-03-11 290
2016-03-10 Ingen räkning
2016-03-09 305
2015-10-19 88
2015-10-16 2540
2015-10-12 8840
2015-10-08 8850
2015-10-05 11200
2015-10-01 10060
2015-09-28 7960
2015-09-24 9300
2015-09-21 9080
2015-09-17 6560
2015-09-14 7180
2015-09-10 7180
2015-09-07 4810
2015-09-03 3470
2015-08-31 3250
2015-08-27 2480
2015-08-24 1040
2015-04-21 350
2015-04-20 1050
2015-04-19 2700
2015-04-18 3300
2015-04-17 Ingen räkning
2015-04-16 4900
2015-04-15 10000
2015-04-14 11700
2015-04-13 11000 Störning. Svårräknat
2015-04-12 11400
2015-04-11 10300
2015-04-10 14900
2015-04-09 13500
2015-04-08 15000 Störning. Svårräknat
2015-04-07 15500
2015-04-06 15400
2015-04-05 17500
2015-04-04 19600
2015-04-03 15800
2015-04-02 16100
2015-04-01 14200
2015-03-31 17300
2015-03-30 15900
2015-03-29 17400
2015-03-28 18800
2015-03-27 15400
2015-03-26 Dåligt väder. Ingen räkning
2015-03-25 13500
2015-03-24 11350
2015-03-23 10100 Svårräknat
2015-03-22 10100
2015-03-21 9100
2015-03-20 9100
2015-03-19 7600
2015-03-18 3950
2015-03-17 680
2015-03-16 76
2015-03-15 10
2015-03-14 110
2015-03-13 2
2015-03-12 12
2015-03-11 57
2015-03-10 74
2015-03-09 180
2015-03-08 67
2015-03-07 7
2014-10-16 475
2014-10-13 10240
2014-10-09 12680
2014-10-06 12730
2014-10-02 13600
2014-09-29 15380
2014-09-25 10840
2014-09-22 9850
2014-09-18 9630
2014-09-16 8360
2014-09-11 5900
2014-09-08 5270
2014-09-04 4430
2014-09-01 3150
2014-08-28 2360
2014-08-21 820
2014-04-16 450
2014-04-14 500
2014-04-13 2300
2014-04-12 3900
2014-04-11 4600
2014-04-10 8700
2014-04-09 14800
2014-04-08 15000
2014-04-07 15100
2014-04-06 13400
2014-04-05 15800
2014-04-04 22200
2014-04-03 23000 Svårräknad. Störning
2014-04-02 21100
2014-04-01 22400
2014-03-31 20500
2014-03-30 19600
2014-03-29 19900
2014-03-28 18200
2014-03-27 19800
2014-03-26 19400
2014-03-25 16000 Svårräknat
2014-03-24 16700
2014-03-23 10000
2014-03-22 10500
2014-03-21 9700
2014-03-20 5700
2014-03-19 2600
2014-03-18 800
2014-03-17 1220
2014-03-16 1450
2014-03-15 2000
2014-03-14 Ingen räkning
2014-03-13 650
2014-03-12 230
2014-03-11 750
2014-03-10 180
2014-03-09 180
2014-03-08 98
2013-10-11 120
2013-10-07 5980
2013-10-03 7090
2013-09-30 9670
2013-09-26 10680
2013-09-23 10140
2013-09-19 8480
2013-09-16 7610
2013-09-12 7320
2013-09-09 7350
2013-09-05 4970
2013-09-03 4720
2013-08-29 2800
2013-08-26 2370
2013-08-22 1450
2013-04-28 210
2013-04-26 1200
2013-04-25 1200
2013-04-23 2900
2013-04-22 4400
2013-04-21 4300
2013-04-20 6000
2013-04-19 11700
2013-04-18 12000
2013-04-17 12000
2013-04-16 12500
2013-04-15 12900
2013-04-14 13500
2013-04-13 Kraftig störning ingen räkning
2013-04-12 10000
2013-04-11 10000
2013-04-10 12400
2013-04-09 10200
2013-04-08 6300
2013-04-07 2940
2013-04-06 1930
2013-04-05 1740
2013-04-04 1570
2013-04-03 1320
2013-04-02 510
2013-04-01 53
2013-03-31 8
2013-03-30 7
2013-03-29 4
2013-03-28 4
2013-03-27 Ingen räkning
2013-03-26 3
2012-10-08 1065
2012-10-04 8660
2012-10-01 9140
2012-09-28 10700
2012-09-24 6970
2012-09-20 8550
2012-09-17 7650
2012-09-13 6200
2012-09-10 5560
2012-09-06 3450
2012-09-03 3500
2012-08-30 2230
2012-08-28 1750
2012-08-23 1200
2012-04-25 350
2012-04-24 Ingen räkning
2012-04-23 460
2012-04-22 Ingen räkning
2012-04-21 Ingen räkning
2012-04-20 900
2012-04-19 850
2012-04-18 1400
2012-04-17 1900
2012-04-16 1900
2012-04-15 2800
2012-04-14 3600
2012-04-13 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2012-04-12 7700
2012-04-11 18000
2012-04-10 20000
2012-04-09 22000
2012-04-08 21000
2012-04-07 21900
2012-04-06 15000
2012-04-05 15800
2012-04-04 21400
2012-04-03 26500
2012-04-02 16900
2012-04-01 17000 Kraftig störning. Svårräknat
2012-03-31 17000
2012-03-30 17200
2012-03-29 14800
2012-03-28 12600
2012-03-27 10300
2012-03-26 6700
2012-03-25 7280
2012-03-24 4100
2012-03-23 5100
2012-03-22 1280
2012-03-21 1050
2012-03-20 460
2012-03-19 240
2012-03-18 40
2012-03-17 235
2012-03-16 150
2011-10-11 600
2011-10-06 6450
2011-10-03 6900
2011-09-29 6330
2011-09-22 4700
2011-09-19 5250
2011-09-15 4750
2011-09-08 2830
2011-09-01 1670
2011-08-29 1230
2011-08-25 1200
2011-04-26 210
2011-04-25 Ingen räkning
2011-04-24 Ingen räkning
2011-04-23 Ingen räkning
2011-04-22 225
2011-04-21 Ingen räkning
2011-04-20 250
2011-04-19 140
2011-04-18 950
2011-04-17 1800
2011-04-16 4350
2011-04-15 5500
2011-04-14 6600
2011-04-13 7300
2011-04-12 6800
2011-04-11 7500
2011-04-10 8600
2011-04-09 12800
2011-04-08 12000 Svårräknat. Störning
2011-04-07 12200
2011-04-06 15400
2011-04-05 14000 Svårräknat. Störning
2011-04-04 14000 Svårräknat. Störning
2011-04-03 13100
2011-04-02 14000
2011-04-01 14400
2011-03-31 14300
2011-03-30 13800
2011-03-29 11000
2011-03-28 9300
2011-03-27 Snöoväder ingen räkning
2011-03-26 4600
2011-03-25 3400
2011-03-24 3400
2011-03-23 2550
2011-03-22 1550
2011-03-21 550
2011-03-20 85
2011-03-19 3
2011-03-18 Ingen räkning
2011-03-17 Ingen räkning
2011-03-16 5
2011-03-15 3
2010-10-12 580
2010-10-07 2700
2010-10-04 2170
2010-09-30 1970
2010-09-27 5850
2010-09-23 7000
2010-09-16 4500
2010-09-13 4070
2010-09-09 4200
2010-09-06 3700
2010-09-02 2400
2010-08-30 1800
2010-08-24 780
2010-04-26 250
2010-04-25 Ingen räkning
2010-04-24 850
2010-04-23 Ingen räkning
2010-04-22 1100
2010-04-21 Ingen räkning
2010-04-20 1500
2010-04-19 3500
2010-04-18 3900
2010-04-17 3900
2010-04-16 3900
2010-04-15 7900
2010-04-14 9500
2010-04-13 9100
2010-04-12 10000
2010-04-11 11800
2010-04-10 11800
2010-04-09 12400
2010-04-08 12700
2010-04-07 12900
2010-04-06 12100
2010-04-05 12800
2010-04-04 13200
2010-04-03 13800
2010-04-02 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2010-04-01 9400
2010-03-31 9400
2010-03-30 7800
2010-03-29 7200
2010-03-28 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2010-03-27 6100
2010-03-26 2600
2010-03-25 2100
2010-03-24 95
2010-03-23 Ingen räkning
2010-03-22 Ingen räkning
2010-03-21 65
2010-03-20 45
2009-10-05 5500
2009-10-01 4900
2009-09-28 7320
2009-09-24 6340
2009-09-21 6130
2009-09-17 6200
2009-09-14 5290
2009-09-10 2960
2009-09-07 3350
2009-08-31 2260
2009-08-27 1470
2009-08-24 1030
2009-04-24 580
2009-04-23 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2009-04-22 1100
2009-04-21 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2009-04-20 1200
2009-04-19 1200
2009-04-18 1200
2009-04-17 780
2009-04-16 2400
2009-04-15 3700
2009-04-14 3300
2009-04-13 4000
2009-04-12 5200
2009-04-11 8300
2009-04-10 10900
2009-04-09 10400
2009-04-08 11200
2009-04-07 13000
2009-04-06 15500
2009-04-05 13200
2009-04-04 15600
2009-04-03 15100
2009-04-02 15800
2009-04-01 18500
2009-03-31 18500
2009-03-30 Ingen räkning. Kraftig störning
2009-03-29 12900
2009-03-28 10600
2009-03-27 8600
2009-03-26 8000
2009-03-25 5900
2009-03-24 3400
2009-03-23 3480
2009-03-22 2700
2009-03-21 1180
2009-03-20 550
2009-03-19 560
2009-03-18 190
2009-03-17 110
2009-03-16 172
2009-03-15 Ingen räkning
2009-03-14 12
2009-03-13 12
2009-03-12 15
2009-03-11 12
2008-10-19 19
2008-10-16 570
2008-10-12 240
2008-10-09 2900
2008-10-06 3380
2008-10-02 3750
2008-09-29 4360
2008-09-25 4080
2008-09-22 4700
2008-09-18 3450
2008-09-15 2820
2008-09-11 2650
2008-09-08 2080
2008-09-04 3010
2008-09-01 3380
2008-08-28 1323
2008-08-21 950
2008-04-20 680
2008-04-19 1350
2008-04-18 2050
2008-04-17 2050
2008-04-16 4100
2008-04-15 3900
2008-04-14 6700
2008-04-13 8000
2008-04-12 7100
2008-04-11 7200
2008-04-10 10300
2008-04-09 11000 Svårräknat
2008-04-08 11800
2008-04-07 11800
2008-04-06 11800
2008-04-05 12500
2008-04-04 13400
2008-04-03 15300
2008-04-02 12500
2008-04-01 Ingen räkning
2008-03-31 12000 Svårräknat. Störning
2008-03-30 12200
2008-03-29 11800
2008-03-28 9300
2008-03-27 8400
2008-03-26 7660
2008-03-25 Snöyra ingen räkning
2008-03-24 3250
2008-03-23 2300
2008-03-22 2230
2008-03-21 1160
2008-03-20 750
2008-03-19 770
2008-03-18 Ingen räkning
2008-03-17 680
2008-03-16 490
2008-03-15 170
2008-03-14 170
2008-03-13 170
2008-03-12 Ingen räkning
2008-03-11 270
2008-03-10 170
2007-10-08 12
2007-10-04 4660
2007-10-01 5940
2007-09-27 7340
2007-09-24 6700
2007-09-20 5100
2007-09-17 6490
2007-09-13 4650
2007-09-11 3110
2007-09-06 2930
2007-09-03 2190
2007-08-30 2020
2007-08-23 1360
2007-08-13 570
2007-08-07 540
2007-04-17 450
2007-04-16 1100
2007-04-15 1720
2007-04-14 3100
2007-04-13 4100
2007-04-12 6900
2007-04-11 8600
2007-04-10 8600
2007-04-09 Snö ingen räkning
2007-04-08 9700
2007-04-07 9900
2007-04-06 9100
2007-04-05 10400
2007-04-04 12400
2007-04-03 12100
2007-04-02 13500
2007-04-01 13900
2007-03-31 12100
2007-03-30 10400
2007-03-29 9400
2007-03-28 7000
2007-03-27 5600
2007-03-26 3000
2007-03-25 2170
2007-03-24 1580
2007-03-23 920
2007-03-22 490
2007-03-21 1950
2007-03-20 1130
2007-03-19 440
2007-03-18 280
2007-03-17 Ingen räkning
2007-03-16 140
2007-03-15 330
2007-03-14 320
2007-03-13 110
2007-03-12 45
2007-03-11 Ingen räkning
2007-03-10 17
2007-03-09 Ingen räkning
2007-03-08 Ingen räkning
2007-03-07 Ingen räkning
2007-03-06 Ingen räkning
2007-03-05 8
2006-10-25 190
2006-10-19 1320
2006-10-16 1320
2006-10-12 4990
2006-10-09 9550
2006-10-05 8634
2006-10-03 7800
2006-09-28 5903
2006-09-25 6020
2006-09-21 5050
2006-09-18 4130
2006-09-14 3020
2006-09-11 2820
2006-09-07 2460
2006-09-04 2710
2006-08-31 1610
2006-08-28 920
2006-08-24 1030
2006-08-21 405
2006-08-16 245
2006-08-15 313
2006-04-28 410
2006-04-27 Störning ingen räkning
2006-04-26 425
2006-04-25 Störning ingen räkning
2006-04-24 Störning ingen räkning
2006-04-23 770
2006-04-22 2250
2006-04-21 2950
2006-04-20 2980
2006-04-19 3900
2006-04-18 3200
2006-04-17 4050
2006-04-16 5000 Störning. Svårräknat
2006-04-15 Störning ingen räkning
2006-04-14 8250
2006-04-13 8350
2006-04-12 9500
2006-04-11 9340
2006-04-10 9920
2006-04-09 Ingen räkning
2006-04-08 8020
2006-04-07 8020
2006-04-06 6200
2006-04-05 5900
2006-04-04 5920
2006-04-03 1770
2006-04-02 1100
2006-04-01 880
2006-03-31 860
2006-03-30 Ingen räkning
2006-03-29 340
2006-03-28 Ingen räkning
2006-03-27 Ingen räkning
2006-03-26 Ingen räkning
2006-03-25 Ingen räkning
2006-03-24 42
2006-03-23 Ingen räkning
2006-03-22 10
2005-10-17 2
2005-10-13 8200
2005-10-10 8260
2005-10-06 7700
2005-10-03 7800
2005-09-29 6760
2005-09-26 7400
2005-09-22 5500
2005-09-18 6170
2005-09-12 3420
2005-09-08 2870
2005-09-05 2690
2005-09-01 2250
2005-08-29 1700
2005-08-26 1420
2005-08-22 1180
2005-08-15 590
2005-04-25 280
2005-04-24 Ingen räkning
2005-04-23 550
2005-04-22 Ingen räkning
2005-04-21 710
2005-04-20 680
2005-04-19 570
2005-04-18 990
2005-04-17 1885
2005-04-16 4250
2005-04-15 4500
2005-04-14 4500
2005-04-13 6000
2005-04-12 7500
2005-04-11 7380
2005-04-10 Dåligt väder
2005-04-09 12100
2005-04-08 12100
2005-04-07 11900
2005-04-06 12100
2005-04-05 12100
2005-04-04 11500
2005-04-03 10300
2005-04-02 9000
2005-04-01 6690
2005-03-31 7050
2005-03-30 5020
2005-03-29 2760
2005-03-28 1830
2005-03-27 1650
2005-03-26 1070
2005-03-25 890
2005-03-24 720
2005-03-23 550
2005-03-22 83
2005-03-21 4
2005-03-20 4
2004-10-11 47
2004-10-07 4020
2004-09-30 3110
2004-09-27 3330
2004-09-23 3320
2004-09-16 3330
2004-09-13 3790
2004-09-09 3100
2004-09-06 3080
2004-09-02 2850
2004-08-23 1780
2004-08-19 1180
2004-08-15 620
2004-04-22 450
2004-04-21 Ingen räkning
2004-04-20 650
2004-04-19 1270
2004-04-18 1380
2004-04-17 1470
2004-04-16 2700
2004-04-15 3780
2004-04-14 3780
2004-04-13 5270
2004-04-12 5570
2004-04-11 6360
2004-04-10 7650
2004-04-09 8650
2004-04-08 8850
2004-04-07 10500
2004-04-06 9150
2004-04-05 12700
2004-04-04 12600
2004-04-03 10300
2004-04-02 8300
2004-04-01 6350
2004-03-31 5650
2004-03-30 4970
2004-03-29 5050
2004-03-28 2275
2004-03-27 2080
2004-03-26 1850
2004-03-25 1480
2004-03-24 990
2004-03-23 Ingen räkning
2004-03-22 585
2004-03-21 365
2004-03-20 245
2003-10-13 7
2003-10-02 3580
2003-09-28 2860
2003-09-25 4250
2003-09-22 7550
2003-09-18 4300
2003-09-15 4350
2003-09-11 4480
2003-09-08 3980
2003-09-01 2650
2003-08-25 2350
2003-08-21 1990
2003-08-18 995
2003-04-21 725
2003-04-20 2175
2003-04-19 2600
2003-04-18 2550
2003-04-17 3650
2003-04-16 4950
2003-04-15 6500
2003-04-14 9450
2003-04-13 Dåligt väder
2003-04-12 11050
2003-04-11 Dåligt väder
2003-04-10 Dåligt väder
2003-04-09 11000
2003-04-08 9900
2003-04-07 9700
2003-04-06 9800
2003-04-05 9100
2003-04-04 9500
2003-04-03 8500
2003-04-02 8250
2003-04-01 7800
2003-03-31 ingen räkning
2003-03-30 5500
2003-03-29 5300
2003-03-28 5100
2003-03-27 3600
2003-03-26 2920
2003-03-25 2800
2003-03-24 1150
2003-03-23 1800
2003-03-22 950
2003-03-21 850
2003-03-20 Ingen räkning
2003-03-19 209
2003-03-18 135
2002-10-03 5250
2002-09-29 4950
2002-09-26 4950
2002-09-22 4900
2002-09-19 4780
2002-09-15 3980
2002-09-12 4550
2002-09-09 3800
2002-09-03 3200
2002-08-29 2020
2002-08-26 1550
2002-08-23 750
2002-08-21 800
2002-08-18 1382
2002-08-14 281
2002-04-21 250
2002-04-20 765
2002-04-19 1314
2002-04-18 2230
2002-04-17 3550
2002-04-16 4720
2002-04-15 4660
2002-04-14 4960
2002-04-13 5360
2002-04-12 5385
2002-04-11 6650
2002-04-10 7650
2002-04-09 8600
2002-04-08 6925
2002-04-07 7500
2002-04-06 7750
2002-04-05 8700
2002-04-04 8760
2002-04-03 8080
2002-04-02 6750
2002-04-01 7400
2002-03-31 7000 Svårräknat. Minst 7000
2002-03-30 7050
2002-03-29 4353
2002-03-28 3250
2002-03-27 2880
2002-03-26 2260
2002-03-25 2083
2002-03-24 1860
2002-03-23 1685
2002-03-22 ingen räkning
2002-03-21 1020
2002-03-20 515
2002-03-19 ingen räkning
2002-03-18 400
2002-03-17 310
2002-03-16 250
2002-03-15 130
2002-03-14 65
2002-03-13 ingen räkning
2002-03-12 76
2001-04-28 195
2001-04-27 2060
2001-04-26 1670
2001-04-25 Ingen räkning
2001-04-24 3050
2001-04-23 2675
2001-04-22 3150
2001-04-21 6550
2001-04-20 6500 Svårräknat. Osäker räkning
2001-04-19 6750
2001-04-18 5850
2001-04-17 6020
2001-04-16 6000 Svårräknat. Osäker räkning
2001-04-15 ingen räkning
2001-04-14 6050
2001-04-13 Ingen räkning. snöyra
2001-04-12 ingen räkning
2001-04-11 6440
2001-04-10 6100
2001-04-09 5150
2001-04-08 ingen räkning
2001-04-07 5100
2001-04-06 3650
2001-04-05 3560
2001-04-04 3280
2001-04-03 2725
2001-04-02 2030
2001-04-01 1360
2001-03-31 1800 Svårräknat. Osäker räkning
2001-03-30 1830
2001-03-29 1320
2001-03-28 395
2001-03-27 290
2001-03-26 250
2001-03-25 250
2001-03-24 250
2001-03-23 250
2001-03-22 ingen räkning
2001-03-21 250
2001-03-20 ingen räkning
2001-03-19 250
2001-03-18 ingen räkning
2001-03-17 ingen räkning
2001-03-16 60
2000-04-22 300
2000-04-21 2350
2000-04-20 3010
2000-04-19 3410
2000-04-18 3120
2000-04-17 5630
2000-04-16 6240
2000-04-15 6530
2000-04-14 ingen räkning
2000-04-13 7730
2000-04-12 7000
2000-04-11 7650
2000-04-10 7930
2000-04-09 8920
2000-04-08 8540
2000-04-07 8150
2000-04-06 8050
2000-04-05 7640
2000-04-04 7625
2000-04-03 7750
2000-04-02 6750
2000-04-01 7700
2000-03-31 7545
2000-03-30 7835
2000-03-29 6850
2000-03-28 6790
2000-03-27 7710
2000-03-26 7520
2000-03-25 3580
2000-03-24 2281
2000-03-23 1442
2000-03-22 1100
2000-03-21 1128
2000-03-20 910
1999-04-25 100
1999-04-24 550
1999-04-23 1250
1999-04-22 1870
1999-04-21 2350
1999-04-20 2350
1999-04-19 1750
1999-04-18 1750
1999-04-17 1750
1999-04-16 3450
1999-04-15 4100
1999-04-14 3775
1999-04-13 6000
1999-04-12 5350
1999-04-11 6000
1999-04-10 6200
1999-04-09 5400
1999-04-08 7150
1999-04-07 7800
1999-04-06 6500
1999-04-05 7510
1999-04-04 5800
1999-04-03 5760
1999-04-02 6250
1999-04-01 6050
1999-03-31 5100
1999-03-30 2350
1999-03-29 2100
1999-03-28 1100
1999-03-27 1100
1999-03-26 530
1998-04-27 400
1998-04-26 720
1998-04-25 1050
1998-04-24 2000
1998-04-23 2280
1998-04-22 4920
1998-04-21 5020
1998-04-20 6550
1998-04-19 6200
1998-04-18 6360
1998-04-17 7450
1998-04-16 7170
1998-04-15 8625
1998-04-14 8625
1998-04-13 8380
1998-04-12 8235
1998-04-11 8020
1998-04-10 7775
1998-04-09 6320
1998-04-08 5375
1998-04-07 5270
1998-04-06 5270
1998-04-05 4945
1998-04-04 4945
1998-04-03 4600
1998-04-02 4770
1998-04-01 4000
1998-03-31 3890
1998-03-30 3220
1998-03-29 3125
1998-03-28 2575
1998-03-27 3025
1998-03-26 1870
1998-03-25 1350
1998-03-24 1300
1998-03-23 70
1997-04-28 50
1997-04-27 480
1997-04-26 1214
1997-04-25 1700
1997-04-24 1720
1997-04-23 2020
1997-04-22 2620
1997-04-21 2400
1997-04-20 3980
1997-04-19 3500
1997-04-18 3900
1997-04-17 5100
1997-04-16 5950
1997-04-15 5500
1997-04-14 5150
1997-04-13 5550
1997-04-12 5050
1997-04-11 5300
1997-04-10 5800
1997-04-09 6860
1997-04-08 6470
1997-04-07 6200
1997-04-06 6200
1997-04-05 3850
1997-04-04 3150
1997-04-03 2950
1997-04-02 2420
1997-04-01 1990
1997-03-31 1149
1997-03-30 1360
1997-03-29 1360
1997-03-28 1000
1997-03-27 820
1997-03-26 820
1996-04-28 750
1996-04-27 1200
1996-04-26 1124
1996-04-25 2100
1996-04-24 2100
1996-04-23 2150
1996-04-22 3347
1996-04-21 4050
1996-04-20 3720
1996-04-19 4280
1996-04-18 5880
1996-04-17 5000
1996-04-16 3880
1996-04-15 3300
1996-04-14 3260
1996-04-13 3450
1996-04-12 3520
1996-04-11 Ingen räkning
1996-04-10 3550
1996-04-09 2842
1996-04-08 1700
1996-04-07 565
1996-04-06 245
1996-04-05 210
1996-04-04 175
1996-04-03 55
1996-04-02 13
1996-04-01 7
1995-04-30 1500
1995-04-29 1714
1995-04-28 1907
1995-04-27 1907
1995-04-26 1900
1995-04-25 1999
1995-04-24 2345
1995-04-23 4208
1995-04-22 4350
1995-04-21 4600
1995-04-20 4330
1995-04-19 4060
1995-04-18 4060
1995-04-17 5280
1995-04-16 5000
1995-04-15 4360
1995-04-14 4081
1995-04-13 4430
1995-04-12 4400
1995-04-11 4340
1995-04-10 2167
1995-04-09 2184
1995-04-08 Ingen räkning
1995-04-07 1960
1995-04-06 1640
1995-04-05 910
1995-04-04 810
1995-04-03 735
1995-04-02 650
1995-04-01 540
1995-03-31 355
1995-03-30 355
1995-03-29 310
1995-03-28 365
1995-03-27 200
1995-03-26 100
1995-03-25 50
1995-03-24 50
1994-04-24 151
1994-04-23 920
1994-04-22 1000
1994-04-21 1380
1994-04-20 1780
1994-04-19 2400
1994-04-18 1920
1994-04-17 1575
1994-04-16 3000
1994-04-15 3300
1994-04-14 3200
1994-04-13 3350
1994-04-12 3550
1994-04-11 3850
1994-04-10 4650
1994-04-09 4850
1994-04-08 4992
1994-04-07 3700
1994-04-06 4175
1994-04-05 4100
1994-04-04 4650
1994-04-03 4650
1994-04-02 3444
1994-04-01 Svårräknat
1994-03-31 2100
1994-03-30 1955
1994-03-29 1950
1994-03-28 Ingen räkning
1994-03-27 Ingen räkning
1994-03-26 Ingen räkning
1994-03-25 200
1994-03-24 200

Are you curious about previous years’ crane counts? By following the link below, you can take part in statistics that go back to 1994!


You can watch the crane dance at Hornborgasjön from home! We broadcast around the clock from two cameras at Trandansen. The broadcast starts in the beginning of March.

Info center Trandansen

At Trandansen you will find a beautiful Info Center with generous opening hours. Here you will meet friendly staff who can answer your questions. At the Info Center you can also see an exhibition about cranes or visit the small shop.

Next to the building you will find toilets and a recycling station.

At Trandansen you will also meet knowledgeable bird guides who will show you the birds that can be seen in the area.

opening hours at Trandansen 2025

  • Daily 19 March – 16 April, Infocenter open 8-18
  • Daily 17 April – 22 April, Infocenter open 10-15
  • Birdguides 21 March – 13 April 10-14
  • The mornings is the most beautiful time to see the cranes


On the east side of Hornborgasjön is Fågeludden. You won’t see any cranes here, but plenty of other birds!

At Fågeludden you will find beautiful nature, the Visitor Center naturum Hornborgasjön and Café Doppingen. Naturum Hornborgasjön is always free to enter. In addition to the exhibition, you can enjoy the view from the tower, tinker at our craft bench or buy a souvenir from your visit in our shop.

Naturum is open from mid-March to early November.

The staff at the nature center have good knowledge of nature and the reserve. They are happy to share hiking tips or tell you more about nature and the birds.

OPENING HOURS naturum 2025

  • 15 March – 22 April, daily 10-17
  • 23 April – 9 June, Wednesday – Sunday 10-16 
  • 10 June – 31 August, daily 10-16 
  • 1 September – 26 October, Friday – Sunday  10-16
  • 29 October – 2 November Wednesday – Sunday 11-16

Closed 20-22 June 


Both during the spring and the rest of the year, there is a packed program that you can take part in. The staff will be happy to tell you more about the nature and the lake in English.

Contact us if you want to know more about the program.

We want to inspire both children and adults to learn more about nature. Therefore, our activities are free of charge.


Café Doppingen is located on Fågeludden, right next to naturum Hornborgasjön. Here you can enjoy a fantastic view of the Lake while having coffee or eating.

The cafe is run by Bilal Pekiyi. The Café serves various pastries and sandwiches. There are also several lunch options.  

The building is appreciated for its beauty and received the 2022 Falköping municipality’s urban planning award.

OPENING HOURS AT Café Doppingen 2025

  • 15 March – 22 April, daily 10-17
  • 23 April – 9 June, Wednesday – Sunday 10-16 
  • 10 June – 31 August, daily 10-16 
  • 1 September – 26 October, Friday – Sunday  10-16
  • 29 October – 2 November Wednesday – Sunday 11-16

Closed 20-22 June


The cranes dance when they want to! It can happen at any time during the day! It would have been lovely if the cranes had a certain time when they dance, but unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.

The dance is a way of strengthening the relationship between the male and the female. You often therefore only see single cranes or a small group dancing at the same time. You will therefore never see a whole sea of dancing cranes. Instead, look out for occasional cranes trumpeting, flapping their wings and jumping.


During the crane season, you need to pay a parking fee at Trandansen. The parking fee goes to the cranes’ food.

The fee for mobile homes/caravans is SEK 150/night. 
The fee for cars is SEK 50/day.
You can pay at Infocenter Trandansen from 08:00 to 18:00.

At Fågeludden, there is only a parking fee for you with a caravan or motorhome parked here between 20:00 and 06:00. You can also pay the fee inside naturum Hornborgasjön.


If you visit us with a caravan or motorhome we would like you to stay at Fågeludden or Trandansen. You are not allowed to stay overnight at the other parking lots in the nature reserve. 

Remember to park with a distance to the next mobile home, preferably with room for a car between you. It increases fire safety. Also remember to pay the parking fee. (See above).

You can empty the latrine from the mobile home in the designated place in the toilet building at Trandansen. Please do this between 3pm and 9 am.


Have you seen a crane with color rings on its legs? Then help and report it to the Swedish crane working group! In this way, you can help contribute to increasing knowledge about cranes. In Sweden, young cranes are ringed. Through ringing, we find out answers about how old cranes get, when they start nesting and how different cranes migrate.


Between 1 March – 15 July there is bird protection boundaries in the south part of the lake. In the north part the bird protection boundaries apply between 20 March- 15 July.

That means that you may not stay within the borders. You may, however, walk on the marked hiking trails but avoid hiking at Ore backar after dusk in the spring. That is because several different species of birds sleep in the lake outside Ore backar and you may risk disturbing them.

Remember, it is always forbidden to disturb the birdlife in the nature reserve. 

Are you a visitor?

naturum Hornborgasjön

Telephone: 010 224 50 10



Are you a journalist?

Sofie Stålhand, Site Manager Hornborgasjön

Telephone: 010 224 56 59



Malin Herin, naturum director at naturum Hornborgasjön

Telephone: 010 224 55 70



Josefin Nilsson, nature guide at Naturum Hornborgasjön

Phone: 010 224 55 73



Feel free to visit us after the cranberry spring as well and enjoy blooming cherry trees, wading in the water or the many birds that you can see up close.

Find accommodations and restaurants around the lake

The area around Hornborgasjön is full of nature, history and birdlife. On Visit Hornborgasjön's website you will find useful information.